
I Had an Interesting Night

Big Red and I declare "mix-it-up" weekdays which basically means we drink after work. Yesterday was mix-it-up Wednesday. We went straight to Trinity where they have even awesomer specials on Wednesday. Specifically, half price all drinks. So Big Red and I are there chatting it up. When the marginal cost of another drink is basically negligible, you tend to drink more than you should. Well, we did just that. We left the place around 8:30 and I told her that I needed some brew dogs for the house. Conveniently there was a liquor store right there. Our purchases were the paradigm of classy- a 30 pack of Keystone Ice and a 40 of Olde English 800. When we stepped up to pay the cashier he asked, "Are you over 21?" Big Red answers "yes." Cashier responds, "ok" and rings up the purchase. Word is bond.
On the cab ride back to the house Red brought up a good point. She said something like, "You know, we're the only ones that keep it real. It's a Wednesday and we're sitting in a cab with Keyston and OE." True that, Big Red. True that. However, my life is more of an example of when keeping it real goes wrong.
We played some pong back at the spot and then watched American Gladiators. We both passed out in the living room. D Fo came back late and I think he put my Sox ticket on my face. Glorious. BR apparently woke up at 3am, set off the alarm on her way out, and made it back home. I guess D Fo got up and managed to disarm it.
Work today was awful. I swear to God every time I'm hungover I get killed at work. Which is what happens. Boo-urns.


Weekend Recap

On Thursday Big Red, K Ho, and I went to Poag Mahoney's (or something like that, I don't feel like looking up the real name) for drinks right after work. We saw someone who looked like J Tempo in 25 years. It was creepy. Drinks there were really expensive. Their "special" was 5 Coronas for 23.75. Yeah, great deal. BR and I then went up to Trinity where pints of Bud Light are $1.50. Deals like that are a rarity in Chicago. Plus it is non-smoking which is glorious. D Fo and B met us there.
I completely blew off work on Friday which was an excellent call. I took a cab home from B's on Friday and the cab driver had the weirdest thing playing. I assume it was an audio book of some sort. It was just these women talking about artificial insemination and picking sperm donors. It may have been the girliest shit I've ever heard. It's hard to explain what it was like. They would say in a soft, flowery voice "Mr. X's profile shows him as having a PhD and knowing 4 languages, but there was something about Mr. Y's essay responses that made me really drawn to him." I'm not doing this justice at all but suffice it to say it was really weird and was creeping the hell out of me.
B and I went to the Cubs-Cards game Friday afternoon. The weather was great. That is, the weather was great in the Sun. Our seats were in the shade and I was freezing my ass off. It wasn't too bad, though and I had a great time at the game. It was my first game at Wrigley and from a pure baseball perspective I can see how people hate on it. Half the fans were Cardinals fans, there were tons of empty seats, people showed up late, fans threw a bunch of stuff on the field when a call didn't go their way, etc. However, from a "fun" perspective it's pretty awesome. The atmosphere is pretty cool and there are a bunch of bars around the stadium.
We went to Sluggers afterwards and met up with a couple of B's friends. Good times were had by all.
Sean came over on Friday night and we just chilled pretty much. On Saturday we left for the Blue and Gold game around 830. Big Red was supposed to join us but she had a pretty late night Friday and couldn't make it. We parked a Holy Cross and walked to this tailgate our friends were having. We had this styrofoam cooler of beer that Sean and I had to carry there. I felt like it was the World's Strongest Man competition or something. That thing was pretty heavy and we had to walk a good couple of miles.
The tailgate and game were a lot of fun. The spring game is such a cock-tease though. Whenever something good happens you don't know if it's because the offense is good or the defense is bad. Plus the team holds back a lot. It's better than nothing but I'm ready for the season to start.
The weather was pretty good and I got moderately sunburned. Yay farmer's tan... I slept most of the way back home. Saturday night we didn't really do anything because we were all pretty exhausted. I subjected B to the Ali G movie but that was pretty much it.
The main negative of the weekend was that D Fo's car doesn't have tinted windows. People refer to this as "fish bowlin'" because everyone can see what you're doing. This is not cool.
I drank so much beer over these past 3 days it was ridiculous.
Let me know if I forgot anything of note.


Paraphrased II

"Our difficulties are directly proportional to our capital."
-Ma$e & P.Diddy



The average kinetic energy of my molecules is high because I am capable of self-elevation and subsequent lateral movement. Your state of existence, however, is the inverse.

-Mims, paraphrased


Romantic Semantics

Through some conversations I've had recently at work I've noticed that there is a dearth of relationship terms and tiers. People throw around terms like "seeing," "dating," etc. without there being a common understanding as to what those terms means. They also seem to mean different things to different people. I'd like to take a stab at creating tiers and definitions that could be universally adopted to help clarify things. I'll try to make them really simple and really broad. These are previously used terms, but I'm assigning them definitions somewhat randomly.

"Going Out" - Actively going out on dates. No exclusivity.

"Seeing" - More serious than going out. There isn't "required" exclusivity, but a.) you don't want to date anyone else, or b.) you'd feel a little weird/guilty if you did go out/hook up with someone else.

"Dating" - This means you have a girlfriend/boyfriend. Typically I've used this along with "seeing," but I'm redefining things now. You are exclusive.

These terms and levels are not all-inclusive obviously. There can be "friends with benefits" and whatnot, but the above covers most normal relationships.

Obviously, my suggestions will never go into widespread use. But it would make things easier if they did.

While I'm at it, I think "hooking up" needs defined. When I was in hs hooking up meant sex. I still remember during my first few weeks at college I was in this convo with a bunch of girls and they're all talking about hooking up with all sorts of people. I was thinking "damn, this college shit is crazy." I later found out that this was ND and (whether for better or for worse) there wasn't much of this type of hooking up going down. So at ND hooking up means anything at or above making out. I use the ND version and propose this be used universally for consistency's sake.

And can somebody please comment at least for the sake of posting a comment? J Tempo is getting lonely. I know for a fact other people read this piece. Do it anonymously! Throw me a bone here!


Random Things

Screw you, Google. I was googling myself (doing a little self DD, as they say in the biz) the other day and searched "jskoff" because I use that as a username sometimes and it's in my email. Anyhow, the image below shows Google basically calling me a jerk off. =(

I had an excellent weekend. However, I can't think of much of note to write about. Well, at least nothing I can/should write here. But here are a few notes anyhow:
  • Tempo wore sneakers to a Enclave on Saturday. He had to go back and switch shoes. He came back wearing my shoes.
  • Saw "Blades of Glory" on Friday and went to a bar afterwards.
I feel very stressed/restless/anxious tonight. I get like this sometimes. I have a few things going on im my life right now that I'm really excited and/or nervous about. And me, being a headcase, am in the mood to freak out over said things. I guess that's only normal but I think I take it to a higher level than most people (or men, at least, heh). I need to learn to just calm down and be happy. Sorry for this doctor Phil moment. Again, strange mood.

D Fo just said "man, living in the desert sucks." Thanks for the insight. However he just made up for it by saying "You can't spell 'autoerotic asphyxiation' without USC."

Animals are stupid.

Dyanasty: 13-2 (10-2).