

We were jamming bottles into the ground pregame. We jammed one almost 100pct into the ground.





Go irish.
Some dude behind me started talking shit, telling me to sit down. I asked him why he didn't appreciate my developed lats and traps. He had no response. It's almost pathetic how much I own the asshole ND fans.


"She's a first chair rusty trombonist"
"That's why I drink everclear. It makes me cool. "


Riot juice
There was just a song on the radio that I think was about abortions.

BC Liveblog!

So today's a pretty big game for the irish, but I feel like people aren't as up for it as they should be (myself included).

Anyhow, the Drink of the Week is Riot Juice, as seen on Thursdays always sunny. It's perticularly applicable because if we lose there will be a riot. The indgredients, which are probably not 100pct accurate, are vodka, blue gatorade, and red bull. What pulls it all together is drinking it out of a clear water jug.

We just bought the ingredients and spent some time properly setting them up in styrofoam coolers. It's like we're transporting organs.


USC Liveblog, An Addendum

There was one particularly notable event that happened during the game that I wasn't able to write about at the time. So, I'll explain here:

When DFo and I got to our seats there was a guy in the row in front of us with this green goofy hat (don't know what the name of this type of hat is; it's like something an old man would wear) that said 'Chicago Irish' on it. This dude was probably in his mid to late 20's. DFo was being friendly and asked him if he was from Chicago and what high school he went to. They chatted for a little bit and that was that.

Fast-forward to the second quarter. Score is 3-7 USC. DFo and I were doing our normal football talk -- saying stuff like 'that was a good block', 'they're rolling coverage to Tate's side', 'interesting to see Walker in the game,' etc, etc. On one play, a USC defensive end jumps waaaay offsides but has enough time to stop and backtrack to his side of the field. DFo and I are upset and DFo says what we both were thinking in that it should be whistled dead and called as a penalty because the USC player was unabated to the quarterback. Our friend, the guy in the Chicago Irish hat, turns around and says there's not such thing and that a defensive player 'can run around in circles in the backfield as long as the ball is not snapped.' He then goes on further saying we've been talking way too much and talking out of our asses the whole game and how he 'has never heard two people who know so little about football talk so much about football'. Jesus. Christ.

Ok, where to start with all of this? Let's start with one point, just to get that out of the way. From the official 2009-2010 NCAA Rule Book, (PDF here) :

Before the snap, a Team B player crosses the neutral zone and, without making contact, continues his charge behind a Team A lineman and directly toward (read: unabated) the quarterback or kicker. RULING: A Team B player who is on Team A’s side of the neutral zone and is moving in a direct path toward the quarterback or kicker while he is behind an offensive lineman is considered to be interfering with Team A’s formation. Penalty—Team B foul, offside. Dead ball. Five yards from the succeeding spot.

So, first of all, this goofy-hatted fuck was wrong about the point in question. Further DFo, and I were not being obnoxious, loud, or making ridiculous statements. It's not like we were saying "oh, man, Weis should have called a 20 yard switch-route concept against that Cover 9 robber USC defense." The nerve of this guy was unbelievable, especially considering he is supposedly an ND fan, we were chatting and being friendly earlier, and it being the biggest game in 10 years.

DFo and I are just amazed at the audacity and dickishness of this dude. Some of my responses, other than assuring him that 'unabated to the QB' is a rule, were:
"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you have a PhD in football? Thank God you here to educate the laymen."
"Are you a disguised USC fan? Why in the hell would you pick a random fight with someone on the same team?"

We then proceeded to make jokes about how I hope we get a home run, and other jokes like that. So the guy actually leaves at halftime. Maybe he was scared or something?? Not sure why he'd be scared of two dorky-looking white dudes, but whatever.

Another story of how AWESOME Notre Dame fans are. Ugh.

Also, depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow (have been sick this week), I may liveblog the BC game tomorrow.


Not sure how this game's gonna go. Shrug.

One. Time.

I told as a USC fan that I hope they contract dysentery and/or ecoli in the bathroom.
I told as a USC fan that I home they contract dysentery and/or ecoli in the bathroom.
On the next episode of 'what not to wear', maroon and gold.
Overheard: "by the transitive property, that means your girlfriend wants to fuck me"
Dfo just called an 11 year old an asshole.
What would happen if a presidential scandal occurred here. What would they call it? Tailgategate? Tailgate squared?
Are the performing abortions in these port-o-johns?
Some dude just said he married his woman because she is 'an extremely fast pisser'. Awesome. Also, I misspelled dysentery.
I've been in this line forever. This is that trail of tears.
This phalanx of bathroom lines is harder to traverse than the Oregon trail. And I'm pretty sure dysentary is even more of a risk in this situation.

USC Game Liveblog!

7:30am: what kind of patheric, depraved bastards buy boxed wine at 7am from Jewel? Me and D-fo, that's who.

Anyhow, today is probably the biggest ND game since I've been a fan (2002). So, I will be blogging the occasion. My phone has a camera now, so ill be able to upload photos in real time, if that ends up making sense.

Back to the boxed wine. We will be drinking it out of cans, an idea from Always Sunny. It allows concealment and violent hand gestures without spilling.


A Reasoned, Eloquent Dialogue on the Olympics Not Coming to Chicago, Taken From GChat

what's the local chicago reaction
to bam bam's failure
3:00 PM
i think most people, at least in circles like mine, didn't want it
it was just so damn politically driven
im happy as balls
fuck these clown ass politicians here
3:01 PM fuck dailey
fuck obama
fuck em
keep these foreign ass clowns out of my shit
i idont need any more foreign dbags up in my face
i dont need any more contruction projects blasting me in the ass on a daily basis
3:02 PM for 2 weeks of clusterfucking
dont need 6 years of mild to moderate clusterfucking for 2 weeks of vicious clusterfucking
that equation doesnt make sense to me
3:04 PM i dont get how building a goddamn stadium or an aquapark or whatever makes economic sense. how does spending that money justify a month of increase in economic activity
3:05 PM i refuse to believe that some latvian polevaulter or whatever is gonna spend enough cash to pay for that
3:06 PM so it would be over and we're left with our proverbial dicks in our hands with a bunch of bullshit infrastructure. with no purpose. when shit that actually needs CAPEX is left still fucked
there were some germans on my train car early this week. i almost went ape shit
now, times that by 10000
for the olympics
we didnt get that shit