
Beyonce Wednesday

If you liked it to such a degree that you'd be willing to commit monogamously for the rest of your natural life, hence forfeiting significant partner 'option value' as an opportunity cost, or at the very least, to subject yourself to risks of substantive litigation fees, remittance of half your future earnings along with the present value of future offspring-related costs up to 18 years, then you shoulda put a ring on it.

(PS - I'll try to make this a weekly thing bc it's so easy)


Beyonce Wednesday

I surmise that for this gelatin you are ill-prepared.

Amateur Hour

I need to vent for a moment. These new-year's-resolution-gym-going assholes really annoy the shit out of me. So I was at the gym yesterday and here's what I experienced:

-A 10 person deep line for treadmills. I've never seen more than 75% of them taken up at any time. I was almost forced to use a Nordic-Trak. Just kidding. I don't think those exist other than in your grandparents' basement.

-Somebody cut in on me between sets to do *one* set of ONE-ARMED PULLUPS. What is this? A fucking freak show? "Sssstep right up and see The Amazing Barry Milton and his incredible Feats Of Strength!" He couldn't even really do them. It was like watching someone try to pry their hand out of a suspended bear trap. Call me crazy, but you should be able to do at least 5 two-armed pull-ups before you start busting out the one-armed. Christ.

-There was a guy using kettlebells. Fucking *kettlebells*. Is he training for a strong man competition? Dude, Zdrunas Zvikas will totally beat your ass. Maybe you could actually be useful and move the obese person off the machine I want to use and place her in the rafters like an Atlas stone. My gym might look like this soon:

Bottom line is it is amateur month at the gym. The people being annoying and/or doing ridiculous exercises are clearly the most out of shape. Can't wait till all these people fade, which should be pretty soon.