I have a twitter account where I produce combinations of up to 140 characters meant to incite some sort of human reaction when read and understood.
I often have thoughts that run more than 140 characters but are not long enough to be blog-worthy. Let's post them here.
To start:
I visited the wedding website of a friend which was so terribly corny, emotional, and badly produced that it created a searing sensation in a few locations in my brain. After a moment I took a deep breath. Perhaps these two are deep thinkers. Perhaps they created this to make us question our own sanity? Clever, clever friends. #coping
Ok, folks, I'm going to try to squeeze in a couple posts before year-end, just so when I look back on this 2011 doesn't looks like a totally lost year. (As if 2012 will be super-active, but anyhow...)
Before we get to the meat of this post I want to mention that upcoming, before year end, there will be a post that details strategy, nuance, and general survival on the chicago public transit system. It will be nonsense if you don't live here, but you can still marvel at its insanity regardless.
Now, on to what I want to talk about. I preface this with that this is a rant, is unstructured, has misspellings, I'm drunk, and I don't care. And fuck you.
Well, and with that.... Let's talk about college football. This is the subject of the post so let's just... #collegefootball. Ah, ok, now it's official. Now's the time of year where pundits, fans, media, so on and so forth, debate, ramble, rabble on and on and on and on about who should be in what bowl, this and that. A large part of the discussion surrounds who should be in the BCS. Even more granularly, who should be numbers one and two. That's what the goddamn thing was created for anyhow though, right?
Is it alabama and LSU? LSU and OK State? LSU and GoFuckYourMother State? People talk and debate and wonder and project on this till they're blue in the face and blue in the balls. This is basically like deciding which deck chair should be the #1 seed on the titanic. Let's back up a bit...
The BCS, for as fucked as it is, at least has a stated purpose -- pitting the #1 and #2 teams against each other at the end of the year. Ok, your formulas are stupid, but I can appreciate that it has a mission statement. It gives us a context within which to work. But really, we can extrapolate this. Let's ask the natural next question-- what is the purpose of NCAA football? Am I dropping goddamn acid or am I the only person who has ever even asked this question? When has this been discussed on Sports Center? Yes, we talk about how fast Brian McClusterfuck's 40 time is or how many times LSU's cheerleaders have been banged, but has anyone ever even thought of what the fuck is going on at a high level?
"Ahhh shit, Buttfuck State should be #3 not number 2. Goatse U had the same record and played a much better schedule. Plus they have a bigger butthole. Fuck BS, fuck Coach Shitnuts, fuck the system" Ah yes, fuck the system. But what system are you talk about? You get bent over percentages in the BCS? Are you mad?
Fuck, I don't even care *what* is going on. I just want to know what the fuck is *supposed* to be going on. Someone answer the following questions:
What is the intended competitive landscape supposed to look like? What drives success? What is the path, purpose, and nature of the player? The coach? Athletic administration? Under what terms and constraints is success defined? How is it rewarded? How are the schools supposed to interact and compete? What are the controls, potential sanctions, mechanics, etc., that ensure, govern, or whateverthefuck all of the above? No details. High level.
Really, you can sum the above: what's the paradigm of college football?
No common college football fan and certainly no pundit would be able to answer any of those above. I imagine the common response would be "duuuuuhgghhhhrrrrROLL TAIHHHD." I'm sure the NCAA would say something like "Well, it's all guhhhhhhhhr student athlete, competition, tradition, tv, well some money too, ahh look over there is that justin beiber setting off fireworks with selena gomez's titties and pussy poppin out all over the place. Pussy juice, fire, pop songs, everywhere. /runs"
I venture to guess there are some sort of answers to these in the NCAA bylaws, operating agreements, or whatever. But the fact that I nor anyone really know about these makes them pointless anyhow. College football, to the casual observer -- or, well, to any observer -- is a hot mess of free market, NCAA posturing, and vague virtue soap box gangbangs.
Well, what it is right now is of importance, but really of more importance is creating an ideal and a roadmap. The NCAA (or, more broadly and perhaps more accurately, college football) is at a crossroads and needs to define that map.
To be clear, I don't expect CFB to be a beacon of perfect rules, perfect actors, and a perfect environment in a sea of chaos in insanity. Yes, I think we can get a whole lot closer to where we want to go (ps this is going to take government intervention, but that issue is a whole 'nother post) but step one is figuring out what that is, or at least saying it out loud. Let's hold hands, stand in a circle, and say what the NCAA should be. If that's "a shitshow free market system where whoever cheats the most, has the hottest chicks, pays players the most, does the most steroids, spends the most money, has the most strategic (read: pathetic) schedule, and conjures the most luck WINS," then let's fucking do it. Full speed ahead with the whores, money, roids, TV, gamblin, death, explosions, titties, and whatnot. Let's fucking do it. At least that will shut people up. Half of them maybe.
Should rename this post "a case study in why people take pills." Prozac, quaaludes, booze, etc, gimme....
Ahh yes, where was I going with this. Oklahoma State should be number 2. Alabama had their chance, Ok State finished strong. Madness, I tell you. Check the formulas. Or don't. Don't really care. It's college football, who the fuck cares?
Before we get to the meat of this post I want to mention that upcoming, before year end, there will be a post that details strategy, nuance, and general survival on the chicago public transit system. It will be nonsense if you don't live here, but you can still marvel at its insanity regardless.
Now, on to what I want to talk about. I preface this with that this is a rant, is unstructured, has misspellings, I'm drunk, and I don't care. And fuck you.
Well, and with that.... Let's talk about college football. This is the subject of the post so let's just... #collegefootball. Ah, ok, now it's official. Now's the time of year where pundits, fans, media, so on and so forth, debate, ramble, rabble on and on and on and on about who should be in what bowl, this and that. A large part of the discussion surrounds who should be in the BCS. Even more granularly, who should be numbers one and two. That's what the goddamn thing was created for anyhow though, right?
Is it alabama and LSU? LSU and OK State? LSU and GoFuckYourMother State? People talk and debate and wonder and project on this till they're blue in the face and blue in the balls. This is basically like deciding which deck chair should be the #1 seed on the titanic. Let's back up a bit...
The BCS, for as fucked as it is, at least has a stated purpose -- pitting the #1 and #2 teams against each other at the end of the year. Ok, your formulas are stupid, but I can appreciate that it has a mission statement. It gives us a context within which to work. But really, we can extrapolate this. Let's ask the natural next question-- what is the purpose of NCAA football? Am I dropping goddamn acid or am I the only person who has ever even asked this question? When has this been discussed on Sports Center? Yes, we talk about how fast Brian McClusterfuck's 40 time is or how many times LSU's cheerleaders have been banged, but has anyone ever even thought of what the fuck is going on at a high level?
"Ahhh shit, Buttfuck State should be #3 not number 2. Goatse U had the same record and played a much better schedule. Plus they have a bigger butthole. Fuck BS, fuck Coach Shitnuts, fuck the system" Ah yes, fuck the system. But what system are you talk about? You get bent over percentages in the BCS? Are you mad?
Fuck, I don't even care *what* is going on. I just want to know what the fuck is *supposed* to be going on. Someone answer the following questions:
What is the intended competitive landscape supposed to look like? What drives success? What is the path, purpose, and nature of the player? The coach? Athletic administration? Under what terms and constraints is success defined? How is it rewarded? How are the schools supposed to interact and compete? What are the controls, potential sanctions, mechanics, etc., that ensure, govern, or whateverthefuck all of the above? No details. High level.
Really, you can sum the above: what's the paradigm of college football?
No common college football fan and certainly no pundit would be able to answer any of those above. I imagine the common response would be "duuuuuhgghhhhrrrrROLL TAIHHHD." I'm sure the NCAA would say something like "Well, it's all guhhhhhhhhr student athlete, competition, tradition, tv, well some money too, ahh look over there is that justin beiber setting off fireworks with selena gomez's titties and pussy poppin out all over the place. Pussy juice, fire, pop songs, everywhere. /runs"
I venture to guess there are some sort of answers to these in the NCAA bylaws, operating agreements, or whatever. But the fact that I nor anyone really know about these makes them pointless anyhow. College football, to the casual observer -- or, well, to any observer -- is a hot mess of free market, NCAA posturing, and vague virtue soap box gangbangs.
Well, what it is right now is of importance, but really of more importance is creating an ideal and a roadmap. The NCAA (or, more broadly and perhaps more accurately, college football) is at a crossroads and needs to define that map.
To be clear, I don't expect CFB to be a beacon of perfect rules, perfect actors, and a perfect environment in a sea of chaos in insanity. Yes, I think we can get a whole lot closer to where we want to go (ps this is going to take government intervention, but that issue is a whole 'nother post) but step one is figuring out what that is, or at least saying it out loud. Let's hold hands, stand in a circle, and say what the NCAA should be. If that's "a shitshow free market system where whoever cheats the most, has the hottest chicks, pays players the most, does the most steroids, spends the most money, has the most strategic (read: pathetic) schedule, and conjures the most luck WINS," then let's fucking do it. Full speed ahead with the whores, money, roids, TV, gamblin, death, explosions, titties, and whatnot. Let's fucking do it. At least that will shut people up. Half of them maybe.
Should rename this post "a case study in why people take pills." Prozac, quaaludes, booze, etc, gimme....
Ahh yes, where was I going with this. Oklahoma State should be number 2. Alabama had their chance, Ok State finished strong. Madness, I tell you. Check the formulas. Or don't. Don't really care. It's college football, who the fuck cares?
CTA Roulette
Since this is morphing into a public transit blog (if I really went down this path I could probably get some real traffic rather than myself and my imaginary pet hamster, John Calligan), I figured I'd share a thought.
CTA buses were designed by the twisted surgeon from Human Centipede. However, instead of sewing people ass-to-mouth people are pressed together via confined spaces ass-to-ass, dick-to-ass, and sometimes the somewhat rare face-to-ass or dick-to-face. This is only a part of the problem, but the seats are designed with a width that would make Spirit airlines cringe.
Anyhow, what I'm getting at is you are going to get an assful of ass based on who you sit next to. I only sit when I need to do some work or I know it won't be crowded or I know it will be so crowded I will be in the way at every stop. I find myself in situations with an empty seat next to me and people walking by while I'm hoping to get a good draw. Contrary to popular belief, not all asses are created equal. Here is the heirarchy of asses as it relates to people sitting next to me -- in descending order of preference:
1. Hot chick - needs no explanation
2. Other normal-sized chicks under 40
3. Child ages 5-13, average sized or less, no ADHD
4. Older woman who does not smell like candle store
5. Elderly people who could run a sub 20-second 40 yard dash
6. Normal sized or less dude who has a white collar job and has a sense of personal space
7. Child up to age 5 assuming they're not all up in my shit
8. Normal to above average sized dude who has no concept of personal space. Some people will seriously sit on your lap even if there's tons of room (important note hot chicks do NOT do this. certainly not to me)
9. Homeless person with no smell or pleasant smell
10. Obese people
11. Homeless person who smells like wet garbage
12. Rosie O'Donnell
13. Crazy person who is yelling about absolutely nothing- you would be surprised at how many of this type there are
What's weird is that I'm not an uptight person at all but I just can't stand being packed in with these people. I don't know how other people who are way more sensitive deal with it.
Oh, and this is NOT like being on a plane. Those people you at least know don't have weapons, are sane enough to find the airport and get thought security, have enough money to get a plane ticket, and potentially have some sort of meaning in their lives because they have to actually go somewhere outside the neighborhood.
Ok, I'm up late and have just rambled this whole thing off.
CTA buses were designed by the twisted surgeon from Human Centipede. However, instead of sewing people ass-to-mouth people are pressed together via confined spaces ass-to-ass, dick-to-ass, and sometimes the somewhat rare face-to-ass or dick-to-face. This is only a part of the problem, but the seats are designed with a width that would make Spirit airlines cringe.
Anyhow, what I'm getting at is you are going to get an assful of ass based on who you sit next to. I only sit when I need to do some work or I know it won't be crowded or I know it will be so crowded I will be in the way at every stop. I find myself in situations with an empty seat next to me and people walking by while I'm hoping to get a good draw. Contrary to popular belief, not all asses are created equal. Here is the heirarchy of asses as it relates to people sitting next to me -- in descending order of preference:
1. Hot chick - needs no explanation
2. Other normal-sized chicks under 40
3. Child ages 5-13, average sized or less, no ADHD
4. Older woman who does not smell like candle store
5. Elderly people who could run a sub 20-second 40 yard dash
6. Normal sized or less dude who has a white collar job and has a sense of personal space
7. Child up to age 5 assuming they're not all up in my shit
8. Normal to above average sized dude who has no concept of personal space. Some people will seriously sit on your lap even if there's tons of room (important note hot chicks do NOT do this. certainly not to me)
9. Homeless person with no smell or pleasant smell
10. Obese people
11. Homeless person who smells like wet garbage
12. Rosie O'Donnell
13. Crazy person who is yelling about absolutely nothing- you would be surprised at how many of this type there are
What's weird is that I'm not an uptight person at all but I just can't stand being packed in with these people. I don't know how other people who are way more sensitive deal with it.
Oh, and this is NOT like being on a plane. Those people you at least know don't have weapons, are sane enough to find the airport and get thought security, have enough money to get a plane ticket, and potentially have some sort of meaning in their lives because they have to actually go somewhere outside the neighborhood.
Ok, I'm up late and have just rambled this whole thing off.
Job Posting
So I've been looking around at new jobs recently and this is pretty much how they read:
Company: Firm name that we're not actually going to tell you because we are a recruiting service that cant tell our buttholes from the Taj Mahal is and we're here to run interference and make sure you can't get in touch with the company directly. Why the company engaged us we have no idea but we don't ask questions
Position: Senior Associate Dick Sucker
-Coordinating bullshit activities with other bullshitters, doing shit that we are making sound here a lot more complicated and sophisticated than it actually is
-Leading bullshit which will lead to other bullshit. You will then shit out this shit, creating another shit. You must then polish this shit until it turns into a diamond.
-Ability to suck multiple dicks simultaneously, especially during the interview process, where we will give you a case study on dick sucking and expect you to suck in person for 12 people in a row
-Ability to jump through multiple hoops for hours on end, just to work your ass off and be paid market. This is the "new normal" and you will like it. Oh, and you must be able to suck dick while doing this.
-Lack of human dignity
-Either way less experience than you have to make you feel like you're going backwards, or way more than you have to make you feel like you have no chance
-4.5 GPA from a tier 1 school based on Intergalactic rankings. Please note there are none on earth. This is a requirement you bitch
-Certification denoted by three letters that doesn't teach you anything and that doesn't exist
-Token other qualification that has nothing to do with anything just put here to make people on the fence about applying to get the fuck out of here
-List of 30 generic skills put here for no reason because everyone reading this has these or at least thinks they do. Must be skilled communicator and a hard worker! Oh well I speak only pig latin and masturbate 12 hours a day so I am fucked.
-4 year post-graduate dick sucking school
-Fluent in Chinese -- oh shit we should have mentioned this earlier so you didn't read the whole thing oops our bad so sorry
Compensation: Competitive, which is code for no promises and being as low as we can possibly get away with. Oh, and we won't tell you until you suck all of our dicks and get an offer.
Where do I sign up?
Company: Firm name that we're not actually going to tell you because we are a recruiting service that cant tell our buttholes from the Taj Mahal is and we're here to run interference and make sure you can't get in touch with the company directly. Why the company engaged us we have no idea but we don't ask questions
Position: Senior Associate Dick Sucker
-Coordinating bullshit activities with other bullshitters, doing shit that we are making sound here a lot more complicated and sophisticated than it actually is
-Leading bullshit which will lead to other bullshit. You will then shit out this shit, creating another shit. You must then polish this shit until it turns into a diamond.
-Ability to suck multiple dicks simultaneously, especially during the interview process, where we will give you a case study on dick sucking and expect you to suck in person for 12 people in a row
-Ability to jump through multiple hoops for hours on end, just to work your ass off and be paid market. This is the "new normal" and you will like it. Oh, and you must be able to suck dick while doing this.
-Lack of human dignity
-Either way less experience than you have to make you feel like you're going backwards, or way more than you have to make you feel like you have no chance
-4.5 GPA from a tier 1 school based on Intergalactic rankings. Please note there are none on earth. This is a requirement you bitch
-Certification denoted by three letters that doesn't teach you anything and that doesn't exist
-Token other qualification that has nothing to do with anything just put here to make people on the fence about applying to get the fuck out of here
-List of 30 generic skills put here for no reason because everyone reading this has these or at least thinks they do. Must be skilled communicator and a hard worker! Oh well I speak only pig latin and masturbate 12 hours a day so I am fucked.
-4 year post-graduate dick sucking school
-Fluent in Chinese -- oh shit we should have mentioned this earlier so you didn't read the whole thing oops our bad so sorry
Compensation: Competitive, which is code for no promises and being as low as we can possibly get away with. Oh, and we won't tell you until you suck all of our dicks and get an offer.
Where do I sign up?
Humanity has gotten entirely too comfortable.
I was sitting on the bus about 10 minutes ago and pried my eyes away from my phone for a minute to really soak in the scene and take inventory of the present cast of characters. Here's what I saw:
A 45 year old dude with a white Chesire Cat shirt tucked into his black jorts. The back of the shirt was a rear view of the cat.
An 80 year old man wearing a purple hat, purple sweater, and purple bag that was really a fanny pack he was just carrying around like a purse. Note that these were all different shades of purple.
A 35 year old woman with SEVEN kids aged 3-6.
A short, plump, 60 year old woman wearing a derby-like hat that was made out of pastel-colored plaid, had a fuchsia ribbon wrapped around it and 2 gigantic purple and white flowers that looked like they were straight plucked out of Fern Gully.
A large 40 year old woman in a full-out yellow poncho. Note that IT IS NOT RAINING.
A Mexican man with a hat that said "America" on it but was yellow, brown, and black and had no american symbolism on it. Where someone gets a knock-off america hat I have no clue.
A 50 year old woman who literally looks like she's dead. She's standing and moving but she looks like she's dead. This is definitely the look she was going for too. Goth just gone entirely wrong.
A homeless person in a winter coat, hood over head, passed out for the day.
Maybe 10 percent of the people on there could have run a quarter mile at 6mph.
I can't make this shit up. And note that all of this is in no way unusual. In fact this might be one of the more normal bunches of people you see on the bus. For instance last week there was a guy that kept yelling that he "needed a converter box for his TV, maaan" in various tones and intervals.
I don't know what to say, really. I just want to start a dialogue to look for solutions, because there's something that's just not right here. I'm not even sure what the root problem even IS, but I know when I'm staring at someone with the rain forest on their head that there is something out of balance in the universe.
What if we released a swarm of bears upon the nation? Millions of bears which are modified to be really slow and really, really dumb. If you can't run away from the bears or if you can't outsmart the bears, you are eaten. I try hard not to think like some elitist/darwinist/whatever, but you can't judge me until you've sat on the mid-day crosstown bus as much as I have. You just can't.
Humanity is entirely too comfortable.
Side note: this blog might just morph into a 'bus observations' blog because it writes itself and I obviously don't tend to this thing anymore.
A 45 year old dude with a white Chesire Cat shirt tucked into his black jorts. The back of the shirt was a rear view of the cat.
An 80 year old man wearing a purple hat, purple sweater, and purple bag that was really a fanny pack he was just carrying around like a purse. Note that these were all different shades of purple.
A 35 year old woman with SEVEN kids aged 3-6.
A short, plump, 60 year old woman wearing a derby-like hat that was made out of pastel-colored plaid, had a fuchsia ribbon wrapped around it and 2 gigantic purple and white flowers that looked like they were straight plucked out of Fern Gully.
A large 40 year old woman in a full-out yellow poncho. Note that IT IS NOT RAINING.
A Mexican man with a hat that said "America" on it but was yellow, brown, and black and had no american symbolism on it. Where someone gets a knock-off america hat I have no clue.
A 50 year old woman who literally looks like she's dead. She's standing and moving but she looks like she's dead. This is definitely the look she was going for too. Goth just gone entirely wrong.
A homeless person in a winter coat, hood over head, passed out for the day.
Maybe 10 percent of the people on there could have run a quarter mile at 6mph.
I can't make this shit up. And note that all of this is in no way unusual. In fact this might be one of the more normal bunches of people you see on the bus. For instance last week there was a guy that kept yelling that he "needed a converter box for his TV, maaan" in various tones and intervals.
I don't know what to say, really. I just want to start a dialogue to look for solutions, because there's something that's just not right here. I'm not even sure what the root problem even IS, but I know when I'm staring at someone with the rain forest on their head that there is something out of balance in the universe.
What if we released a swarm of bears upon the nation? Millions of bears which are modified to be really slow and really, really dumb. If you can't run away from the bears or if you can't outsmart the bears, you are eaten. I try hard not to think like some elitist/darwinist/whatever, but you can't judge me until you've sat on the mid-day crosstown bus as much as I have. You just can't.
Humanity is entirely too comfortable.
Side note: this blog might just morph into a 'bus observations' blog because it writes itself and I obviously don't tend to this thing anymore.
Most Hilarious Spam Message Ever
I’m currently being held prisoner by the Russian mafia [url=http://www.buypenisenlargement.com]penis enlargement[/url] penis enlargement and being forced to post spam comments on blogs and forum! If you don’t approve this they will kill me. [url=http://www.male-sexual-styles.com]penis enlargement[/url] penis enlargement They’re coming back now. [url=http://vimax3-4.com]vimax[/url] vimax Please send help! nitip [url=http://www.male-sexual.com]penis enlargement[/url] penis enlargement
If I had a dollar for every time I got held prisoner by the Russian Mafia and was forced to peddle cock enlargement pills by posting spam messages on random blog posts I'd have $272.50. The 50 cents is for the one time it was Vicodin.
No One Man Should Have All That Flour
I want to investigate something curious that perhaps directly involves me.
On May 3rd 2010, I tweeted this:
"I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven. When I awoke I spent that on a breakfast. #kanyefoodlyrics" (Real lyric within first 15 secs here.)
and 2 days later this:
"Mayonnaise covered pringles, I eat miracle chips. #kanyefoodlyrics" (original here)
Around this time period a couple friends came up with their own food lyrics. Example here.
Jokingly I said Kanye Food Lyrics are going global, son. At this point in time it was just one of my random musings.
Patient Zero
I can't really connect the dots here, and perhaps there is no way to connect them, but sometime in January/December, the kanye food lyric "No one man should have (also, "use") all that flour" started to catch on. The origin of this lyric I cannot trace, but the earliest use was in a random thread in July 2010, but I don't think it really caught on until it was used by a handful of random people in December/January in the Twitter-verse. The earliest example I can find is here (or perhaps here, but I can't verify the date) by some random comedian and it was also used by some well-followed internet writer Drew Magary here. Note that some uses of this lyric use my original hash tag of #kanyefoodlyrics.
The Meme
On January 9th, someone decided to really run with the "No one man should have all the flour" concept and designed a site around it. http://noonemanshouldhaveallthatflour.tumblr.com/ There's not a whole lot of content -- about 50 or so lyrics -- but there's a lot of interesting/hilarious stuff (eg pic below) and it's created somewhat of a stir and arguably sparked a broader internet meme.
Examples of popularity:
A search for "no one man should have all that flour" results in 23K google hits.
A search for "noonemanshouldhaveallthatflour," which returns sites that link to that certain website, yields 98K hits.
Someone actually did an entire food remix.
Toast to the douche bags.
I guess it's hard to really quantify or classify the gravity/reach of this meme, but I'm sure it's touched the computer screens of at least 100's of thousands of people (at least 98k links on the web for just that site and probably growing) and perhaps millions. And just a guess based on what I've seen through my searching, but easily thousands have come up with their own food lyrics.
What happened here?
Obviously I wrote and researched this whole thing because I wanted to see if there was evidence that I started this whole thing. I would say there's no evidence that I started it and it's extremely unlikely that I actually did (but technically possible.) There is, however, significant evidence that I was the first one to think of it -- my idea originating in May and the first other found instance in July. In the sciences, the first one gets credit for discovery, right?
Really I'm joking and don't think I was particularly hilarious or creative (if you have a good idea and can't execute -- eg creating a dedicated website, etc -- then who really cares), but it's remarkable something I joked about becoming a meme actually did 8 months later. It's especially remarkable given how unique/random/odd it is.
On May 3rd 2010, I tweeted this:
"I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven. When I awoke I spent that on a breakfast. #kanyefoodlyrics" (Real lyric within first 15 secs here.)
and 2 days later this:
"Mayonnaise covered pringles, I eat miracle chips. #kanyefoodlyrics" (original here)
Around this time period a couple friends came up with their own food lyrics. Example here.
Jokingly I said Kanye Food Lyrics are going global, son. At this point in time it was just one of my random musings.
Patient Zero
I can't really connect the dots here, and perhaps there is no way to connect them, but sometime in January/December, the kanye food lyric "No one man should have (also, "use") all that flour" started to catch on. The origin of this lyric I cannot trace, but the earliest use was in a random thread in July 2010, but I don't think it really caught on until it was used by a handful of random people in December/January in the Twitter-verse. The earliest example I can find is here (or perhaps here, but I can't verify the date) by some random comedian and it was also used by some well-followed internet writer Drew Magary here. Note that some uses of this lyric use my original hash tag of #kanyefoodlyrics.
The Meme
On January 9th, someone decided to really run with the "No one man should have all the flour" concept and designed a site around it. http://noonemanshouldhaveallthatflour.tumblr.com/ There's not a whole lot of content -- about 50 or so lyrics -- but there's a lot of interesting/hilarious stuff (eg pic below) and it's created somewhat of a stir and arguably sparked a broader internet meme.
Examples of popularity:
A search for "no one man should have all that flour" results in 23K google hits.
A search for "noonemanshouldhaveallthatflour," which returns sites that link to that certain website, yields 98K hits.
Someone actually did an entire food remix.
Toast to the douche bags.
I guess it's hard to really quantify or classify the gravity/reach of this meme, but I'm sure it's touched the computer screens of at least 100's of thousands of people (at least 98k links on the web for just that site and probably growing) and perhaps millions. And just a guess based on what I've seen through my searching, but easily thousands have come up with their own food lyrics.
What happened here?
Obviously I wrote and researched this whole thing because I wanted to see if there was evidence that I started this whole thing. I would say there's no evidence that I started it and it's extremely unlikely that I actually did (but technically possible.) There is, however, significant evidence that I was the first one to think of it -- my idea originating in May and the first other found instance in July. In the sciences, the first one gets credit for discovery, right?
Really I'm joking and don't think I was particularly hilarious or creative (if you have a good idea and can't execute -- eg creating a dedicated website, etc -- then who really cares), but it's remarkable something I joked about becoming a meme actually did 8 months later. It's especially remarkable given how unique/random/odd it is.
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