
Scoring the Twitter Bout

A certain dickhead named Rich Owen challenged me to a twitter war of words, not totaling beyond 180 characters. With no knockout we have to go to the judges' cards:

Round 1:
R: just decided...Im now in a tweet war with - hes like a brick, flat on both sides and gets laid mostly by dudes...

J: 's balls are like the ocean. Blue, dirty, and filled with crabs.

Winner= J, 0-1. J reacts quickly, landing a strong counter-punch with a crabs-related joke. Classic but still effective.

Round 2:
R: is so dumb when solving for x in 2(x-4) + 3x=0 his answer is -8.

J: got married one year ago today. Its theme was Star Wars: Deep Space 9. Dude was dressed as *Quark*.

Winner=R, 1-1. R almost lost this one throwing out a linear equation and the judges were unsure of it really implies he can't subtract. J had a good idea and theme but didn't execute well enough.

Round 3:
R: True story...there have only been 2 people has ever loved in his life...and one of them was a priest.

J: I once caught having sex with a Twinkie. PS, it was in the ass.

Winner= J, 1-2. Hostess anal cake sex haymaker blow is nearly impossible to stop.

Round 4: 
R: 's first sexual experience involved a girl in a back brace and him in a tight pair of jorts...oops not first, I meant his last.

J: 2 facts about :1, he voted for Ross Perot in 1996. 2, he vacations exclusively at indoor waterparks. LOL!

Winner=R, 2-2. R's jort assault was lauded by the judges. Indoor waterparks is a strong counter by J and might have resulted in a draw without the gratuitous "lol" at the end. Too over the top.

Round 5:
R: Where is from hes considered nouveau riche...which, in PA, means his family tree might not be linear. -mom

J: The base of 's "Pyramid for Success" is "Pancakes"

Winner: J, 2-3. Judges felt like R had poor execution as an inbred family tree would look more circular than linear. Totally moronic success pyramids edges this out.

Round 6: 
R: When asked what his favorite beer is always replies, "Zima". Sad part it that its hes not being ironic.

J: At the bar rolls up to ladies and tells them he "has a 401(k)", trying to get their panties wet. Strangely, this fails every time.

Winner: J, 2-4. Rocking Zima these days is dope considering they don't make it anymore. J's moves in this round lack bite or grace, but win by default.

Round 7:
R: claims to have had hundreds of lovers but we know this refers to the number of tube sox he owns.

J: 's entire wardrobe is from TJ Maxx, K-Mart, and The Burlington Coat Factory

Winner: R, 3-4. R left an opening with a head-scratching hash tag, but J couldn't get a strong enough response. Judges felt like if he replaced K-Mart, with say, Old Navy, this would be more subtle and clever. As it stands sock-banging wins this one by a length.

Round 8: 
R: Since moving to PA has been hitting the gym hard to work on his "Oh Face".

J: thinks Wiz Khalifa is a venereal disease

Winner: J, 3-5. J was unstoppable this round, highlighting R's complete lack of cultural and medical knowledge in 6 words, a deadly combination.

Round 9: 
R: has a life goal of moving on up from Pennsyl-tucky to Florida where its "real classy like".

J: "Hey I just met you. And this is crazy. But here's my number-- so call me maybe!"- at a business networking event

Winner: Draw. 3-5-1 Judges felt like J's effort is unstoppable if you hear the song in your head when you read it. However, this is too dependent on the audience and could have been executed better. The beginning of R's round starts bland, but ends strong with the hashtag, which is nicely unrelated.

Round 10:  
R: showed up this weekend for the tea party rally in Cranberry, PA...brought his own mug and some chamomile. <3Santorum

J: has the most boring name of all time: Rich Owen. PSHHHHHHHH. Plus you can accurately call him a Dick. Double whammy.

Winner: J. 3-6-1. Both efforts are average but hashtag of "Zero Name Swag" was enough to sway the judges in J's favor.

Round 11: 
R: is so popular in PA that hes setting up concerts in the field behind his house.first performance photo

J: has an email address. Wake up and smell the coffee, Richard, it's the 90s!

Winner: R. 4-6-1. R almost had a knockdown in this round, putting J to the floor but it was deemed by the ref as an illegal punch -- using pictures. R wins the round but no knockout, no knockdown.

Winner of the bout: JDIZZLE. Strong match by both fighters but Dizzle brought some heat in 2 rounds that Satan himself could not stop.


Distance Stats

For fun....


30 Chicago to airport
5,540 Chicago to Istanbul
391 Istanbul to Selcuk
230 Selcuk to Athens
652 Athens to Rome
149 Rome to Florence
313 Florence to Nice
362 Florence to Barcelona
530 Barcelona to Paris
542 Paris to Berlin
101 Berlin to Dresden
181 Desden to Krumlov
124 Krumlov to Vienna
244 Vienna to Krakow
579 Krakow to Copenhagen
192 Copenhagen to Hamburg
251 Hamburg to Amsterdam
133 Amsterdam to Bruges
256 Bruges to London
340 London to Edinburgh
340 Edinburgh to London
3,952 London to Chicago
425 Chicago to Pittsburgh

15,857 miles. Pretty much all of this assumes a dead-straight shot (except for the driving or I remember exact train partial stops, which is rare), so conservatively add 30% to this (wouldnt be surprised it's 40-50+ given how fucked some of my rail routes were) and it's 20,614.

The circumference of the Earth is roughly 24,900 miles. I must admit, I'm caught up on this stat even though it's completely meaningless (all miles are not created equal in quite a number of facets). For some reason, I want to say on this trip I traveled the equivalent of the circumference of the earth so effing bad. I'm 4k short. With all of the walking, intracity rail travel, cabs, getting lost, swerves, vertical travel, and bullshit, that HAS to take me to the promised land. I think I could legitimately argue for a 50% bump factor. This brings me to 23,800, over 1K short. FUCK. I NEED TO LOOP BACK THROUGH SLOVAKIA FUCK THIS.

I may be taking trip to Toronto and Baltimore before I start work, so maybe I can throw that into JD 1H2012 Trip of Dumbassery. That should put me just above the mark.

In any case, fuck this, and fuck you. I'm saying I traveled roughly the circumference of the world and I don't care it's based on dubious calculations and assumptions. This is how people get shit done. They stretch, lie, and cheat. That's how the world works and that's how I'm doing it.

Hay everybody it's Rant Wednesday

I've heard probably 10 people, at least, in my life either blatantly brag that they don't own a TV or at least mention that fact when it wasn't necessary at all. This shit drives me up the fucking wall.

I'm sorry, why should I be impressed you don't own a TV? I guess what you imply by that is you have such a focus of your time on superior intellectual activities that not a modicum of your time can be wasted on something as drab and mindless as something on TV. Or maybe you're too far off the "mainstream" to be entertained by something mass distributed. Or maybe you're a hyper-popular socialite. I'm sure the reasoning, or rather message, varies.

Rather than providing secondary or periphery evidence of a lifestyle or skill set, how about actually exude it? Or just blast it out. Fuck, I'd rather someone roll up into my grill, rip off some quote from Shakespeare, and say "betcha don't know which sonnet that's from, BIIIITCH." That is so, so, so much better than saying that you don't have a TV. Christ.

Of course there's a billion annoying expressions of insecurity and/or arrogance out there, but this one really gets to me.


New blog

For those of you who don't know, I have a blog for my just-starting insanity trip over at dizzlesandiego.Blogspot.com