Screw you, Google. I was googling myself (doing a little self DD, as they say in the biz) the other day and searched "
jskoff" because I use that as a
username sometimes and it's in my email. Anyhow, the image below shows Google basically calling me a jerk off. =(
I had an excellent weekend. However, I can't think of much of note to write about. Well, at least nothing I can/should write here. But here are a few notes anyhow:
- Tempo wore sneakers to a Enclave on Saturday. He had to go back and switch shoes. He came back wearing my shoes.
- Saw "Blades of Glory" on Friday and went to a bar afterwards.
I feel very stressed/restless/anxious tonight. I get like this sometimes. I have a few things going on
im my life right now that I'm really excited and/or nervous about. And me, being a headcase, am in the mood to freak out over said things. I guess that's only normal but I think I take it to a higher level than most people (or men, at least,
heh). I need to learn to just calm down and be happy. Sorry for this doctor Phil moment. Again, strange mood.
Fo just said "man, living in the desert sucks." Thanks for the insight. However he just made up for it by saying "You can't spell '
autoerotic asphyxiation' without
Animals are stupid.
Dyanasty: 13-2 (10-2).
Dude my kicks were just fine I should of gone and bought some black tape they would have never known. Anyway I made up for it by chugging in your face.
Why are ND people always hatin' on USC? USC is a much better school, much more highly regarded in "the biz" as you call it, we have hotter girlz AND we can drink you under the table! Not to mention the fact that USC has beaten ND's "illustrious" football squad for like a bazillion straight years! You think just cuz "God" (again, whatever that means) ostensibly loves your team you deserve to win? The PAC-10 eats Notre Dame for communion! Zing! Take that you dolt!
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