

Ok, just gonna hit the highlights of the past couple weeks. 30,000 feet...

2 weeks ago: Saturday we had an office field trip to "the hangge uppe" which is this obnoxious dance bar. I had never been there but people kept telling me I had to be *super* wasted to enjoy it. I took their advice to heart. At Mama E's place D Fo and I split a fifth of Vodka. Dare us to drive? So I remember basically nothing from the bar except that I got lost. I went to the bathroom downstairs and when I came out I didn't know how I got there. So I was swimming through crowds and crowds of peeps goin nuts. I would run into dead ends and I was afraid I was gonna get kicked out. I eventually found the stairs. Miracle.

Last Friday S Dot came in and we just chilled. Played some pong and we got owned because the other team was shooting lights out. Sometimes you run right into a locomotive. It happens.

Saturday was Floyd v Mayweather which was pretty damn entertaining. A decent amt of people came over. I believe Jack or Brian or somebody brought mead. Sometimes you gotta keep it medieval.

I have some non-record keeping posts in my head that I've been meaning to spit out. I will post relatively soon.

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