
Drink Spectrum

I've postulated that one can create a spectrum of drinks with most manly on one end and most girly on the other. I will attempt to draft this.

Note that this is a working list. I would appreciate comments as to what to move/add.

Straight Bourbon and Scotch
Other types of whisk(e)y
Manly Martinis et al (eg Vodka and Gin Martini, Manhattan)
Malt Liquor (eg Colt 45, Extreme Rock Head)
Manly Mixed Drinks (eg Vodka Tonic)
Most Beers
Girly Beers (eg beers that you put fruit in)
Girly Mixed Drinks (eg Vanilla Stoli and Diet)
Girly Martinis
Smirnoff Ice, etc.
The Pink Panty


Anonymous said...

Where is straight gin?

Anonymous said...

Straight gin is on the "retard" end of the spectrum

Anonymous said...

Sobe and vodka needs to be added to this list. But it can not be added without the preface of being the drink of choice for four straight days in order to stay awake and play poker.

Sizzle said...

Remember when I had the wonderful idea to drink scotch on the rocks in Toronto? And then Pace made me chug it?

And then I fell down a lot.