
Catch-up, yet again

I've been really poor lately regarding updating this piece and I apologize to my 2 readers out there, whom I so affectionately refer to as the Blogation Station Nation.

I have a hard time remembering what exactly I missed (hence why I write this damn thing) but I remember a few points:
  • My parents came to visit. Events include:
    • They met B. It was exactly like Meet the Parents. Word-for-word. Event-for-event.
    • We went out with D Fo's (extended) fam and MIA to a Greek restaurant. It was pretty intense with a lot of food and a couple "old world" people, if you know what I mean.
    • I played beer pong with my Dad. He wasn't very good.
  • D Fo and I went to Milwaukee to meet with S Dot
    • We met with some of S Dot's pseudofriends. They. Were. Wastes. (For the record, S Dot realizes this.) They were the type of girls who are blonde, semi-tan, plain to borderline attractive, wearing tube-tops, and think that the previous qualities make them highly desirable despite their utterly vapid personalities. We walked around to a few bars in Trillwaukee while I made a futile effort to make casual conversation with these biddies. I gave up in short order. The night was fun and memorable regardless. The one main highlight is that I carried 7 solo cups of beer to everyone out on this deck-like thing. It was a glorious display of drunken dexterity and balance.
    • There are no cabs in Milwaukee. None. There are also no people in Milwaukee. There is all this infrastructure, but no cars or people. I felt like I was in Stephen King's Langoliers.
    • Milwaukee is far more diverse than Chicago. Perhaps "integrated" is a better word. Sometimes I think the Chi was carved out of the Brown v the Board of Education ruling.
    • We went to a thang called Summerfest which is this huge concert thing which is not unlike Barnum and Bailey's Three Ringed Circus, except there are 12 rings and bands are playing in all of them. We didn't get all that involved in the music, but we instead focused on the activities which we do best. And that is a.) drink beer and b.) make fun of people. There was more than enough proletariat fodder to provide for an amusing night.
  • I met B's Mom. It was exactly like Meet the Parents II.
I still have to write about my NYC trip and maybe about this past weekend. I'll leave that to another day.


Anonymous said...

So you are saying B tried to replace your lost pet with a look-a-like cuz that is what I am totally imagining right now.

Also, +2 coolpoints for the Langolier reference.


jesseissorude said...
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jesseissorude said...

Shout out to me!

Housing discrimination has been a huge problem in Chi-town because it's been rooted there since the late 1800s. It even affects middle and upper class neighborhoods too. New Orleans was the same way (while I was there, at least).

Anonymous said...

Milwaukee is the second most segregated city in the U.S....behind only Chicago.


Sizzle said...

"I played beer pong with my Dad. He wasn't very good."

Um, amazing.

Also... meeting the parents is one thing. Having the parents meet each other is a very, very different thing. Such were the recent events of my life.