
Enter TBD

So I've officially moved out of the Octagon and into [insert TBD name here]. The physical move itself hasn't been too bad, but the transformation of [TBD] into a livable space is another story. My complete lack of "stuff" combined with time and resource constraints, exhaustion, and my ever-constant cycle of procrastination has made the transition a bit harrowing. The evolution in stages:

Stage 1
Country analog: Afghanistan, specifically the mountains
State: It's cold because I can't figure out how to turn the heat on. There are boxes, a desk, a desk chair and a bare mattress.
-Someone yells outside who is either getting taken away by the Taliban or is mentally disturbed.
-My main source of light in the living room is a desk lamp next to a pile of flattened cardboard boxes. It looks like I'm about to interrogate a captured soldier or some shit.

Stage 2
Country analog: Sudan
State: Same as Stage 1 but now it's hot as balls b/c my heat seems to have only one speed. 11.
Anecdotes: I had to take my shirt off while unpacking. Calm down, ladies.

Stage 3
Country analog: Mexico
State: I figured out the heating system. I now have a computer fired up. Internet access is stolen and very shoddy. Also, I have a shower curtain up that's held up by twist ties. (I didn't buy a full-fledged shower curtain yet bc I'm leaving these details to a female)
-I cut a pizza with a swiss army knife
-I ate a jello snack with no utensils. I tried to eat some ice cream like this but failed miserably.
-I opened a guinness bottle with a screwdriver and a lighter.

Stage 4
Country analog: Slovakia
State: Internet and television are fully operational. I have plastic silverware. Still no phone or furniture.
-I sat hard on a 1.5" carpet staple. It felt like it sounds.
-The television is a projector projecting onto a brick wall. Brick wall isn't the greatest projector screen. I'll upload a picture below.

So, I still sit at stage 4. The goal is Stage 10000: AMUHHRICA, BITCHES WHOOOOO BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A EAT A DICK WORLD WOOOO FORD TRUCKS in a week or 2.


Anonymous said...

You should call your place "The Brick."

We could brick on each other at the Brick, drop a brick at the Brick, or just look at bricks at the Brick.


Anonymous said...

I second the motion for naming your place "The Brick."

Anonymous said...

You could also try "Stankonia," but I don't know if the ladies would love it. I think "The Brick" is pretty cool too, though.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would agree that The Brick is a badass name for your spot.

Anonymous said...

Damn, "The Brick" sounds sick.

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with The Brick?

- Jerry Seinfeld

Anonymous said...

Man, this post is popular. You're a pretty funny guy. You should update your shit more often.


Anonymous said...

He's heating up!

Anonymous said...

He's on fire!

Anonymous said...

Boom, bout go douched!

Anonymous said...

When. You. Don't. Update. Your. Blog. I. Have. No. Social. Life.