
Words/Phrases I Hate

Word/Phrase: "Tickled Pink"
Why I hate it: Not only are you a fucking fairy if you use this, but it doesn't even make sense. What the *fuck* does this even mean?
Appropriate death strike: Scissor kick to the back of the skull.

Word/Phrase: "Making Whoopee"
Why I hate it: This shit makes me cringe. What, are you on the Goddamn Newlywed show? STFU
Appropriate death strike: Lexington Steele Danza Slap.

Word/Phrase: "Value Added"
Why I hate it: I could compile a list of just business terms that piss me off. This is one of the mose cliche imaginable. If you're doing work that doesn't add any value then there is something dreadfully wrong.
Appropriate death strike: Head first into a super large Salad Shooter.

Word/Phrase: "Going out"
Why I hate it: Ok, this shit is waaay overused and isn't very logical. It's painfully non-descriptive. I associate it wil getting all prissy and going to a club or something. Weak.
Appropriate death strike: Carnivorous scarab beetle in the brain.

To be continued...

1 comment:

Sizzle said...

LOL... your rants are my fav. I'm eagerly awaiting the To Be Continued portion of this.