
Weekend and Such

This entry is quite poorly written and in mostly bullet-point format even though there are only a few bullets. I wrote this as quickly as possible to save time. Quantity over quality, bitches.

Thursday we went out to Trinity. This was Tempo's first time there and he brought his gee-eff Jenn. I don't remember much (my memory sucks, that's why I write this stuff down) but I do remember discussing the currency this one town created for itself. I will discuss this in a later post. I promise. I walked B home and got back really late. I was hurting the next day.

I determined that The Family needed a good toast saying. I got pissed off that neither I nor anyone else could come up with anything awesome. Therefore I declare that the toast will be "pimps up, hoes down" until someone comes up with anything better. May be hard to beat.

Mack P came in on Friday. I took the Blue Line after work to meet him at the airport. This was a terrible idea since the thing took forever, was crowded, and jerky. UGH. That night we went to Lake Shore Theater to see this one comic D Fo is familiar with. The crew was The Family plus Mack P and Jenn. The theme of the night was "the unbookables" because they were extremely offensive. They lived up to this name when the main comic looked at B and said that she's a whore and she need to whip her titties out. I was in more of a mood to laugh than to defend her honor. Meh.

The comics were hilarious. Save one guy who just ran old anti-bush/religion jokes that are so played out and rarely funny in the first place.

Only 30 or so people were there and they were giving away free drinks throughout the night. How does this place stay open? The guy who owns it (and stutters a lot) must be rich/stupid and really enjoys running a comedy club. Fine with me.

After they all went though their bits they must've just felt like not ending the show. They proceeded to call some guy on a cell phone and just chat it up with him. It devolved even further when people began hitting a bowl on stage. Ridiculous. We couldn't take it anymore and left.

I made a joke before we went into the theater that went over like a lead balloon. D Fo was getting a blue moon at the bar. First note that this place is in Boystown, one of the most prolific gay towns in the country. Also, it was gay pride weekend. So D Fo was getting his beer and the bar tender asked if he wanted an orange slice. Dave says, "yeah, throw some fruit in there." I say, "Might as well. It's gay pride weekend." I don't exactly "think" per se before I talk.

Saturday Mack P and I went to the office -- I needed to do some work. It sucked because it was cloudy and Mack couldn't see the nice view our office has. Anyhow we leave and go on a tour of Goose Island brewery. Only problem was that they do tours on Sunday, not Saturday. I felt really dumb. I set the thing up and I'm sure they said it was Saturday on the phone. I don't normally mess that stuff up. We rolled into this bar near there and had a few drinks instead. Although it could've been a hospital cuz there was some mad nursing going on.

We rolled back to our place to play some beer pong. This was glorious since I haven't played in a while. S Dot was in town. Tempo was on fire in the beginning of the pong-playing. I sucked until the last game where I sent it into OT and then just rolled in the extra period. We drank like a million beers. (Note to self to insert picture of the million beers.)

Jenn is quite short. I wouldn't be surprised if she were under 5'. I saw B standing next to her and I almost *died* laughing. The difference in height was hilarious. Jenn had sandals on and B had heels, so the 5'9" +3" -5' = 1 foot difference was hilarious. It's cool though -- I like tall girls.

We eventually rolled to Trader Todds. MIA felt it necessary to buy us "painkillers" which is some girly, coconutty drink. The thing was brutal. Anyhow, I was pretty damn drunk at this point. I think Dave, MIA, and Mack all sang "Sweet Caroline" at this place. Not sure though. Correct me in the comments section if I'm wrong.

All of a sudden about 10 shitty things happened to me at once. The perfect shitstorm, if you will. I was starting to get tired, sick, really drunk, and a few other things. I pulled an MIA by just peacing out on everyone at the bar and not telling them I was leaving. I was in an awful mood. I came home and just face-planted on my bed.

Sunday Mack P, B, and I went to 4 Shadows to get lunch. While we were there we saw some guy get out of his car at an intersection and start humping his car. Gay pride wknd, got to love it. That prompted a discussion among us about if that sort of behavior and "pride" helps the cause of the homosexual population as a whole. (I claim it doesn't but I don't want to get into that right now.) Mack had a pretty hilarious quote. His point was that "Christians don't show pride on Christmas by lighting shit on fire or humping Frosty the Snowman in the middle of an intersection." Interesting point.

I saw Mack off to the airport then B and I took the L to meet up with D Fo and S Dot at the sox game. We show up late but still see a lot of baseball and have a great time. It was a Sox-Cubs game so people were extra-belligerent. People who trivialize sports by saying "it's just a game" don't really get sports. People care and care a lot about this shit to the point where they are willing to risk and inflict psychological and physical harm. The fact that people care so much means sports do matter. Anyone from Pittsburgh or who went to ND knows this.

After the game B and I went out to dinner on Belmont. We sat outside. It was nice. Very enjoyable. I had a great night.

Jenn had a pretty awesome quote. We were watching My Sweet Sixteen on MTV. The bitches on there are really fucking annoying. Jenn, out of nowhere, says "If I had a dick I would punch them with it." Couldn't have said it better myself. Err, I wouldn't imply that I don't have a dick though...

Notes from prior days that I never wrote about:

-We went to a street festival on Belmont and Sheffield. This band was playing that I've seen a few times. Getting drink required great patience and agility due to the crowd and carrying 8 at a time. That night we went to the Lake Shore Theatre, which is a comedy club, to see Aziz Ansari of The Human Giant. This is my favorite new show. He was quite hilarious. Very few people showed up for the show. Again, how does that place stay open? Oh, also we ate at some Thai place and observed some drugged out dude do laps up and down the street.

-Peeps from my office and I went out to Citizen bar and Hugo's frog bar with my boss. My boss is an ass but I also like him. He's somewhat of a cartoon character. He's very insecure and exhibits the usual signs. *Has* to be dressed nicely, feigned ego, etc. I mean, he's got a 250 bottle wine refrigerator... However, it's possible I'm being unfair. In my first year in the "real world" I realize that perception is reality in this business. So. Ridiculously. True. Maybe he just knows how to play it.

-A couple weekends ago we had an office outing at Midtown. MIA bought a drink called the Loop. She couldn't even get through 10% of it. So since people call me "the Medic" (see my downing of "the Shark" from a previous entry) I determined I must heal (kill?) this wounded soldier. The thing was basically 100% Bombay Sapphire. Tempo would've loved it. I however, though it was pretty brutal even though I downed it rather quickly. That shit went straight to my head and I swear I wasn't right until about 24 hours later.


Anonymous said...

Bombay Sapphire- he would have loved it indeed. I appreciate the long update- it was very much needed. Please make many more of them. I need to keep up on these things. I was going to come visit you like next week but I still haven't found an apartment yet and I really need to get that done. I am lazy and it requires a lot of effort apparently. Do you realize all of your activites involve drinking? I could never afford that. It is rough being poor.


Anonymous said...

What else is there to do other then drink? I mean we could just play pong every night.


Anonymous said...

Next time I come up there, we should go to an art festival, an intriguing lecture, or a cockfight, rather than getting drunk and receiving an intriguing lecture on why two guys should not pull out their dicks and have a cockfight at an art festival.
