I went home to PA on Friday. Here be the
- On Friday P-Diddy and I met our friend David Vogel at a bar named The Fox and the Hound. There were a couple chicks that came and sat right next to us and wanted to chat it up. We were pretty rude and didn't even bother to humor them for a minute. P-Diddy and I did, however, challenge Vogel to spit some game at the girls when he claimed that he had "mad game." Mockingly I dubbed him Milton Bradley because he has so much game.
- My friend Mack P had people over his house on Saturday. I brought over some Keystone and Guinness and we started drinking early (~5). We played pong throughout the night. My teams (including the infamous Team Hardcore- Me, P-Diddy, and the aptly named Cups) were 9-0. The last game was a pain. Our ghetto setup got changed somehow and moved from 9ft to ~10.5ft. I like 9ft the best because I feel like it fits my natural stroke. I'm fine with playing longer distances but the problem with the setup was the the ceiling was too low. Because I have a high release and put a lot of arc on the ball, I hit the ceiling multiple times and was forced to laser it. I somehow managed to hit a redemption shot and we won it in OT.
- Reading the above makes me wonder if I take pong too seriously. Wait, there's no such thing.
- Some random peeps from high school showed up. They brought 40s. I grabbed an OE and it was all downhill from there.
- We went to Tom's Diner really late. I for some reason ordered a ton of food- the "country breakfast," and 2 orders of bacon and 2 orders of eggs. That's like 6 eggs plus a bunch of other stuff. I didn't mean to order this much. There was some confusion in the loudness/dunkedness. The waitress was being a bitch and claimed that I would never eat all of that. This pissed me off and I started to pump myself up so I could eat it all. I mean, seriously, what kind of waitress mocks you for ordering a lot? Doesn't that help her? Good Lord. When the food comes I realize in 3 bites that I have no chance of finishing. My friends help me out and I still can't finish it. All of the booze and this huge egg sandwich that Mack P made me was just way too much. All of that food did sober me up pretty well, however.
- When we get back to Mack's everyone is gone and the door to the other half of the door is locked. I break in with a credit card to get my jacket. I learned later that it was locked because someone was in there with their lady friend. Luckily my timing was good.
- P-Diddy was semi-macking on this one girl that showed up. However he was cockblocked by one of our old schoolmates. He was not happy.
- I went on facebook and went nuts. I may have called one of my old college friends a "dumb bitch" on her fb wall. This was not good. Facebook should require a breathalyzer.
- Somebody stole Mack P's stove's knobs. This was not cool.
- Late in the night Vogel was sitting in a chair. I went nuts and started to kick out the posts below the seat that held the chair together until it collapsed beneath him.
- I woke up with so many scratches on me. My elbow was all scraped because I fell up the stairs. I also had scratches all over my forearm and hands because I was playing with "Balls", which is one of Mack P's rabbits. Yes, I was playing with Balls.
- While we are out at Tom's I was in one of my belligerent smack-talking modes. I kept calling people proletariats or "proles".
- Also, fireworks were set off randomly.
- Team Dynasty is 8-0 (5-0).
Pong is life. You can not take it too seriously.
You also called some chicks out on East Carson St. "Fatties" as I drove by them in the car. That was good.
You skipped the part about you hiding one of the pancakes at Tom's. I almost peed myself. Too funny.
Little known fact: I accidentally left my purse at Tom's and didn't notice til I got all the way back to my house. We had to drive alllll the way back to get it then back to my house again. Dan was not pleased.
Woah... sounds amazingly intense. I LOLed just reading this and wish I could have been there to witness it all. Particularly you trying to scarf down that breakfast. LOL about the stove knobs also.
Man, I miss you guys. Gimme a call sometime when you're not drunk and angry at California.
I am a little lost on this one. If you say you miss people you normally try to contact these people with technology known as a telephone or the internet. I know these are highly technological devices and the hippies in california may not approve of them becuase they ruin the ozone layer, but for the rest of the world if you miss people put some effort into communicating.
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