

Ok, you may think that all I do is write about fizzyfinance. Well, perhaps you're right. Anyhow, I thought I'd publish the Chuck Norris jokes that I and my fellow coworkers came up with during training. Most of you wont get half of these.

  • When CN uses CAPM he gets the actual, real-life cost of equity
  • CN's bonds are rated AAAA
  • CN loans negative dollars
  • CN once earned 40 million dollars in fees for advising a company on how they didn't want to get roundhouse kicked by CN
  • CN gets paid to hold options
  • CN financed the Catholic church by issuing a loan with a first lien on Jesus.
  • Some people diversify their portfolio by investing in other countries. CN diversifies his portfolio by investing in parallel dimensions.
  • CN wipes his ass with Commercial Paper.
  • One day CN took a short position on Rice-a-Roni. The next day San Francisco fell into the ocean. Coincidence? I don't think so.
  • While bored one day CN invented the binomial option pricing model.
  • CN amortizes Goodwill.
  • CN bought Berkshire Hathaway class A shares at a dollar.
  • If the FED needs to lower inflation they hire CN to roundhouse kick the money supply.
  • CN semen futures sell for 6 souls a barrel.
  • George Soros and Alan Greenspan once had sex with each other to prove they weren't gay. Their child was CN.

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