

So my trip to NY wasn't the greatest. Both my flights there and back got delayed and I arrived at my destinations past midnight.

So what do you do when stuck at an airport?
Drink excessively. See picture.

What do you do when you're on a business trip and have a corporate card?
Expense that shit. (Now you see why I don't disclose what company for which I work. Yeah, I just rewrote that sentence to avoid ending a sentence in a preposition. Eat it.)

I was quite tipsy on both my planes. On the way back I fell asleep on the plane as soon as I took my seat. When I woke up they guy next to me had moved to another empty sleep. I must've freaked him out in my drunkedness. I vaguely remember pulling out the "barf bag" in front of me for some reason. I think that's what caused him to leave.

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