

I just saw one of those "Mac vs. PC" commercials where the PC is som fat, nerdy, white guy and the Mac is some supposedly cool, hip, equally pasty white guy. The whole Mac vs. PC argument can be resolved with one point. Any computer company that thought it was a good idea to have a 1-button mouse sucks. Forever. I don't care if they came up with the idea of windowed applications. I don't care if they cure cancer. I want to poison Apple.


Sizzle said...

Dude.. well done on one of the best arguments against them. You know what else is annoying? Closing programs by dragging them to the trash. Does that make *ANY* sense to anyone? No. Didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

sam, you hit the "X" in the top left hand corner (because your a jew) of the window to close it in OSX. Someone should drag you into a trash can.